Saturday, February 18, 2012

More high-flying antics and natural pyrotechnics.

Brief post to sum up the day (it is nearly 3:30am local time).  Pictures will be coming along later as soon as they're put through post-production.

It was a stay at the resort and do nothing day, with nothing pretty much being the operative word.  After we'd finished up our nutritious (kinda) breakfasts for the day, Carl decided to go and try out the golf course, leaving me pretty much to my own devices for the better part of the morning.

So just what is a girl to do with x amount of hours to kill? What else? I went and lounged by the pool with a cool drink and a steamy romance novel.  Which I finished.  Damn.  But that was ok, because I had come prepared.  Once the book was done, I plugged in my iPod and listened to some tunes while working on a bit of writing of my own.  Excellent.

After Carl had had his fill of the golf course (with his sandals full of sand from the amount of time he spent in the bunkers *snerk*) we decided to hold our ultimate, thirteen point winner-take-all bocce ball grudge match.  I won.  13 points to 3.  Ha.

By the time that was over, the circus G.Os were setting up the trapeze for the afternoon group.  Carl was keen and raring to go because this afternoon he'd been declared ready to try for a catch.  Which, as the name suggests, is where you swing out, hang upside down and then swing up and let yourself be caught by the person manning the next trapeze.

And of course, the little show-off pulls it off first time.  I was hoping for a dramatic spill, but I suppose that the catch was pretty spectacular so it was kinda worth it.  He even got a certificate saying that he'd managed the feat, which he is incredibly proud of.  I didn't give it a go because really that just isn't my thing.  I don't really like being upside down and especially not whilst swinging.  I am not an adrenalin junkie.  I never have been and I don't really intend to start now.  I'll leave that kind of thing to the people who actually get a kick out of it.

Once Carl had completed his great achievement, we headed back to our room to chill (and give him time to let the adrenalin rush wear off) before we headed out to dinner.

Tonight's entertainment was supposed to be the Pandora show out at the main trapeze.  However, just before 8pm a tropical thunderstorm rolled in.  Along with the fantastically bright flashes of sheet lightning and booming thunder, there was rain.  Not exceptionally heavy, but steady.  And hot.  Unlike most of the rain we get in New Zealand, this rain was basically like standing in a lukewarm shower.

Anyway, as a result the Pandora show was moved inside to the theatre, and it was still spectacular.  The circus guys performed three different acts, with Thai dancing in between.

After that, Carl headed over to the bar to hang out with the circus guys while I headed back to the room for a little while to dose myself up on painkillers and anti-nausea drugs as I had a headache that had come on with a vengeance.

However once they'd kicked in, I felt tons better so I headed back to the bar and had a few drinks and met a few new people, had some awesome conversations and ragged on some of the G.Os.  It was great.

And now it's 3:45am.  And surprisingly, Carl and I are two of the last 2 people in the village to go to bed (that we know of anyway).  How often does that happen with us?

Anyway, tomorrow afternoon we are going on the elephant safari, because hey, you CAN'T come to Thailand and NOT ride an elephant.  I mean seriously.

For now though, I think sleep is in order.

Stay cool all.  And stay tuned for pictures.

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